hi my marina iud came out about 10 days ago, the next day i went to my doctors where she swobbed me and tested for infections, which all came back clear. only had my coil in for about 8 weeks i was in pain which was like contatraction pains for nearly all the 8 weeks as well as spotting bleeding on and off as well as having sexual intercourse. like i said it expelled from my body about 10 days ago, i am now on cilest pill i have been taken it for roughly 10 days now i am still bleeding on and off and having cramping, contratction pains still. about 48 hours ago i had sex with a condom which split during and the cum did leak in to me. i was on my 7 day of my pill will i becovered or do i need the morning after pill. also should i still be bleeding on and of and still having pain. thank you cj