Hi my daughter developed what we were told was a cavornous hemangioma at the age of 3 weeks on the left side of her face.She has small hard skin tags on the right side of her face near her ear.The hemangioma grew to a very large size ,and started going down at the age of 2.She has had no treatment for this.b the age of 9 the plastic surgeon said that it had regressed to what he thought would stay the samw through out her life.She has been fine with her appearance.Over the last few years she has complained of headache , sinus symtoms,ear ache.Always to be told its sinusitus.She is now 15 in constant pain,the heamangioma swells from time to time and really hurts.She finally had her first scan today with a view of removing the hemangioma,we were told by the radiographer that there in fact seems to be something wrong ,but it was too deep to see,has she has lots of fatty tissue on that side.She called it somethning begining with Lym.Said my daughter had to wait for an MRI scan .She said my daughter has no structure of the tragus,which is just a round blob of flesh?Im one scared mum ,any imput would be gratefully received