Hello! My basic info is that I'm 27, female, 6'3", and weigh about 188 lbs. I've noticed I've gained about 8 pounds over the last 3 weeks. My primary concern is that for the last couple days, I've been feeling a fluttering sensation just above my pelvic bone. I've had two children, and honestly, it feels as if there is a baby moving. However, I'm currently menstruating. I have the Nexplanon implant for birth control, therefore, my periods are highly irregular. I drink at least 3 large glasses of water per day, so I don't think it could be dehydration? But, I'm no expert. Ha! Other than weight gain and the flutters, I haven't had any other "pregnancy symptoms", although I did have what I thought was a stomach bug about 2 weeks ago that made me feel nauseous for several days. With my 2 children though, I was nauseated throughout the entire pregnancy, and my breasts were tender and grew almost immediately.