I have high blood pressure controlled by ramipril,amlodipine and hydroclorathiazide. Started with cough that produces phlegm,was diagnosed with asthma and allergies. I've tried several different remedies to control the asthma, including montelukast, but the horrible coughing continues at the slightest trigger. This cough is enough to keep me from participating in public activities,it is LOUD, and hard enough to render me incontinent, embarrassing to say the least. I can't sleep till a fit of coughing exhausts me and wake several times at night with the same thing repeating, coughing up phlegm till I retch. I am exhausted to say the least and don't find the reliever puffer very effective for very long. I need help.At 45 years old, the light at the end of this tunnel seems pretty dim. Any suggestions?