I am male, 30 years old. Problems from last 10-12 years. 1. High cholestrol, Triglcerides, uric acid and blood pressure 2. Digestion problem, Tight stomach after eating due to which my moode is very rough and no courage to do excercise even difficult to wear socks, alot of acidity too, feel very week no mood to do any physical work 3. Stool, most of the time lose stool, some times lose motions (ratio once in a week), very rare hard stool (banana shape) 4. 2.5 years back I was constipation , not now but diffrent behaviour of stool as mentioned above. 5. Dry lips, hands, head and ears, i use keys to get releive from dry ears due to irritation in them 6. sometimes morning sickness, means feel high temprature in the morning and whole day 7. alot of heat evolved from feet and hands etc