I've been pregnant six times......I've had 3 PPROMs before 20 wks., 1 abnormal pregnancy ( no baby) and 2 preterm labors ( one due to a placental abruption and one contractions that made my water break then stopped and started back up with delivery the next day.....had a DNC with that one) with my last pregnancy, I was going to be given progesterone shots starting at 16 wks., I was 4 days from starting them when my water broke.......now my doctor says diffently a cerclage if I get pregnant again......we've talked about it before but the specialist said he thought is was a bad idea for me (during my last pregnancy)........I know there's no grantee, but is there even a small possibly it might help me..........I still have no clue if I have cervical problems or if the sac might funnel......I'm thinking about the transabdominal cerclage pre-pregnancy