Last thursday I was hit in the shin with a line drive playing softball. It stung a little and I walked it off and kept playing. On my way home I noticed swelling and a lump. and it was a little sore to walk on that night and the next day. I iced it and kept it elevated. The next day bruising formed about the size of the softball around the lump with the golf ball sized lump in the center. The center is painful to push on but almost feels numb just to surface touch. Today (5 days later) the swelling of the lump has gone down some but the bruising has spread and there is even some pooling of blood near my ankle and heel, it is not painful to walk, but a little sensitive if it gets jolted by running or jumping too much. Should I see a physician for this? Im a 33yr old F with no medical history, and Im not on any medications . I am a runner, and enjoy going to the gym, eating healthy, and participating in sports.