Thanks for choosing HCM.
The problems mentioned can happen after prolonged and frequent
masturbation. More common after the age of 30 years. But there is no need to worry. Always there are solutions. I do not know about your job/ work profile/ education background.
With respect to masturbation Allopathy differs from Ayurveda/yoga/
holistic medicine.
the mind is the most important contributor.
I don't know your religion and your nationality, and where u r currently residing.
For your problems holistic approach is the best.
- Start consuming nutritious food- high in protein- consume boiled egg. pulses, sprouted grams
-1-2 serving of fruits
-Dry fruits- cashew, almonds, apricots, raisins etc.
I don't know if u r a theist or an atheist.
-join yoga asana and pranayama classes and
meditation and practice them regularly. It will help to calm down mind relaxes.
- Start reading books of great saints and philosphers - Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Swami Vivekananda, Holy Bible, Holy Quran.
-If you are an atheist- Look out for books by Dr. Deepak chopra, OSHO
-Try to understand the higher dimensions of human life.
-Do some creative work, get involved in social work- divert u r mind from dwelling only in the basic instincts.
-You can try Ayurvedic medicine-
Ashwagandha Rasayana- 5 gms twice daily with luke warm milk.
Remember these are not the magic wands. don't expect the results immediatiely. You should consume this medication for atleast 6 months and the above mentioned lifestyle changes are for life. Have patience and confidence in u r self.
wish u a healthy life