Is the below report ok? Can I conceive now without any danger? DEPARTMENT OF ULTRASONOGRAPHY REPORT OF EXAMINATION PELVIS (TVS) UTERUS Uterus is anterverted, normal in size, measures (75 mm. x 54 mm. x 39 mm.). Sufaces are smooth. Myometrial echotexture is homogeneous. No obvious focal mass is seen in myometrium. Endometrial echo is normal in thickness (4 mm.) and seen at midline. Cervix appears normal. Pouch of Douglas is free. ADNEXA Adnexa appear clear with no obvious mass lesion could be detected. OVARIES Right ovary is bulky (44 mm x 37 mm). A cyst (33 mm x 30 mm) is seen in right ovary. Left ovary is normal in size, shape, position, margin and echotexture. Right ovary measures : 30 mm. x 20 mm. IMPRESSION * A cyst in right ovary. * Normal utersu & left ovary.