Hi, I have read online about a rare autoimmune disease called relapsing polychondritis and since then i developed high levels of anxity because i believe that i have the disease. My medical history: -During a flare up of sebboroic dermatitis on my scalp (my scalp was very itchy, burning and really sore, like the skin was “opening”) my ears became red and hot. They were like that for about 10 days. -Two incidences of dactylitis in the past two years (one incidence in the first year that lasted 1 month, then, another incidence the next year that again lasted one month). Reumatologist suspected psoriatic arthritis due to the swollen fingers plus the sebboroic dermatitis on my scalp. But he said he doesnt want to diagnose me yet as i only had two short incidences in two years. -ANA test, thyroid, reumatoic factor tests normal. As relapsing polychondritis is an autoimmune disease i’m worried that i might have it because i probably have psoriatic arthritis as well. The incidence with the red burning ears was exactly one year ago, i didn’t have any red ears since then..but i have this horrible worry in my mind all the time:(