Hi, I m a 19 year old female. I haven t felt like myself in the three weeks since I had my wisdom teeth removed. In the weeks before that, I was under a great deal of stress due to a hard time, finance, family, home life, studies, and health concerns with a loved one. While I was recovering in the week after surgery , I had about three uncontrollable panic attacks, which were enough to make my ears ring. I was anxious about everything. I feel as if I ve gone through something psychological that I m still recovering from. I m finding it very difficult to resume my life as a student, because my concentration levels have decreased and I think I m having a harder time understanding . I am used to not having to put in a lot of effort to catch and process information. Towards the afternoon I get really tired and do things I otherwise wouldn t do, like get lost, and get on wrong buses, forget that a person has entered the room etc. I feel like I m losing the plot, and it s causing me to lose confidence in myself. Once I manage to persuade myself that I m okay, I do something silly again. Will I ever snap out of this fuzzy state of mind?