Hi. I m 33 years old. I spent 10 years as a first-grade teacher in a private Christian school and was abruptly fired for crazy reasons like this one from a board member: We can t stand that our daughter likes her teacher better than she likes us. I was a very successful teacher while it lasted but the trauma of that permanently closed that career. I was a midwifery assistant for two years following that awful experience, and have recently accepted a job offer at my ophthalmologist s office where I have been a patient since I was three years old. I m a very empathetic, compassionate person. However, I deal with a lot of PTSD and OCD/anxiety tendencies as a result of the trauma I ve been through. I worry constantly that I might lose this job. Are there medications that are highly successful for treating PTSD/OCD/Anxiety? I was on Escitalopram for a while but weaned myself off of it two months ago (with my doctor s help) I m starting to wonder if that was a mistake. At the same time, I don t think I need an antidepressant, just an anti-anxiety drug. Can you help me?