I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain a large painful lump on the roof of the mouth seems to be an abscess or a
pyogenic granuloma secondary to
throat infection causing
Acute Pharyngitis and
Laryngitis [ do to infection in vocal cords].
As it is there for 3 days you need not to worry as it will gradually start regressing when the infection will subside..
You should consult an Otolaryngologist and get evaluated and he can advise you to get investigated for the type of infection like
Rapid strep test for bacterial infection and rapid mono test for viral infection..
After confirming the cause he can advise you to take antibiotics, painkillers and do warm saline gargles and steam inhalations..
Chew Vitamin C pellets and antimicrobial mouthwash gargles..
Avoid spicy food as it can further irritate the lump and cause pain..
Take soft diet..
Speak less and in low pitch to rest the vocal cords for faster relief from the symptoms..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr. Honey Nandwani Arora.