Hi, I'm Lester and I would like to advise you on my tongue problem. My tongue has been enlarged for more than one year, causing me a lot of difficulties in speaking English, which is my second language. I would consider my tongue to be widened and also generally enlarged. My production of "L" sounds in English is affected. I can't pronouce words such as "land" and "lamb" because they involve the production of "L" sounds. Other sounds are also affected, but to a smaller extent. I remember burning my tongue with hot water one year ago, before which I had no speech problems at all. I would like to know if burning a tongue with hot water might cause permanent enlargement of the tongue. I am able to adjust my way of speaking so that recognisable sounds in my first language can be made, but I am really inhibited from pronouncing all the sounds in English comfortably and fluently by my widened and enlarged tongue. Or I would say, I am generally fluent in English, but not with words with "L" sounds. I have no problem with my taste now even though my tongue was burnt a year ago, and I also don't feel pain in my tongue now. The only problem haunting me is the size of my tongue. I would like to know if tongue enlargement can be cured. By the way, I am now 17. Is the enlargement of my tongue related to my body growth?