Thanks for your query.
Read and understood your history and concerns.
You are having burning urination and blood in the urine and a polyp like thing in the vagina and pain in abdomen.
The pain is caused by severe
urinary tract infection.
Polyp like thing in the vagina may not be related to the present problem and the Gynecologist will be in a better position to tell and treat, what the lump is about. Get operated if asked by her.
I would like you to undergo the following investigations before the treatment is started.
-Urine: send the sample in a sterile container for culture and sensitivity and gran staining before the antibiotic is started.
-Blood tests : CBC, sugar,
widal and
kidney functions to start with and other tests as may be required as per the clinical examination by an
Ultrasonography to start with.
-Intravenous pyelography .
- A course of antibiotic to start with and to continue as per the clinical response and the report of the culture and sensitivity.
-If any surgical problem is found . getting operated is required like a big stone, stricture and so on.