Sir/madum since 14 yrs of age i started masterbation and now i am 20 yrs of age i did masterbation today also, like daily i did for 1- 2 times masterbation in a day and it continued from 14 yrs of age and it continued till i am 20 yrs of age, almost of 7 yrs of masterbation,I want to stop masterbation fully, because if u see me i look as if i am 15 yrs boy, and i am 20 yrs of age and it takes much time to go to no2 toilet for dropout, and , i feel normal but, but i notised is that my body is not growing since many years i have same personality i am single, i did not have sex with any female and i dont have girl friends too, but because of few bad friends, i was let to this habbit of masterbation, i see porn as a thurst and do masterbation, but now I 90% seeing, i am dipressed, want to get restored in health.