My husband had an injury to his eye which caused bleeding within the eye. His ophthalmologist prescribed Neomycin, Polymyxin B Sulfates, and Dexamethasone eye drops for 5 days 4 x a day. When he saw my husband on the 3rd day, the doctor told to continue the drops an additional 7 days (when he will check the eye bleed again). My husband takes medication for high blood pressure (hydralazine) which he has kept in tight control. Since taking the eye drops, the BP has increased ( 150/80 average) Tonight it was 180/80 (went down to 135/78 on the 2nd reading), so he took an additional hydralazine (which his doctor had advised if the BP remains high). Of course, this is the weekend and we hesitate to bother the doctors. We are wondering if we should call the opthamologist to see if he should stop the eye drops before we see him this coming Tuesday, take the additional 1/2 hydralazine as needed, or just stop the eye drops.??? Thank you for considering our question.