I have a bad habit of picking at what I think are blocked pores on my face. Three days ago I saw something white underneath my skin just to the right but not touching my upper lip. A scab formed the next day and kept splitting when I ate or yawned; I woke up today and it looks like a cold sore scab, but it s only over one pore. It never filled up with puss, it never formed a blister, and the only neighbor it has is a small white dot just below it that looks like a pimple. But the scab still has a yellow tinge to it like a cold sore scab. I ve looked all over online and nowhere explains the difference. How do I tell the difference between a cold sore scab and a regular scab? This has happened twice before when I picked over the same spot, but it s been two years since the last incident and I don t remember ever feeling the symptoms described in a first our break. Am I making the same mistake over and over, or do I actually have cold sores?