Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Hi, I'm 33years, married 1 year ago, my semen analysis result is: quantity=4.0ml, color=greyish white, transperancy=opaque, viscosity=viscid, time collection=1:53, time liquification 30 Min, pH = 7.5, fructose=positive, spermcounts = (Motility = Not Mentioned(NM), Sperm Morphjology =NM, Head Abnormality =NM, Mid Piece Abnormailities =NM, Other Cells= WBC's =01, RBC's =00, Comments = On initial slide tere is no spermatozoa seen in 100 fields suggestive of azoospermia, test is confirmed by spin down method please correlate with the patient's clinical history. PLZ SUGGEST.