Hello Doctors, I am 72yrs.old, female, suffering from bladder incontinence and bladder infections often. Approximately every two-three months and the Dr.treat them with Cipro. The pills to control the incontinence causes much swelling in my legs , so I don t take them any long. We have too much trouble trying to control the lymphedema. Be cause I have so much pain in my bladder or the area,the Dr. at the Women s pelvic center, urologist-gynecologist, sent me back to the Dr. (Oncologist) that performed surgery seven yrs. ago .... Salpingectomy and oopherectomy for Brenner tumors (non cancerous).He said that there s nothing left in the pelvis to cause pain. It has to be the bladder and that it should be removed. Because it s causing all the problems, what quality of life do I have? I told him that I have not stopped the things that are necessary and very important to me.., religious meetings, visiting the sick friends, funerals, etc. But fun recreational, long events, I can t do. But I am very reluctant to having my bladder removed. Any suggestions? Anything else that I can do? Thanking you in advance.