I m a 59 year old female with some health issues. Strength. & hard labor work have never been a problem for me at all. I was blessed with a very strong body, and never could see myself as a secretary or jobs like them. My body has always held up through all the different so called men s work that I ve done. Anyways the task that I had ahead of me just about 2 weeks ago was to take out the small window in my . bathroom and make it into a door. (I have a roommate.that s not anywhere near a sanitary person. Hoarding & laziness have just about completely demolished her trailer, it s a long story of how I landed there.) well the job I had planned took more tools than I have.. I ended up having to cut out the place where I had planned to put a door with a large kitchen knife. It took more time than I have planned also.l. After I cut the hole for the door I cleaned up everything & I was sooo ready to get it over with. no such luck!! I woke up the next morning and couldn t move my arm, my hands were tingling, numb but still burning at the same time. Horrible headache, stiff neck & back & depilitating shoulder pain. This continued foe days. I did the bed rest thing & no luck there either. Its been going on now for many days now. I went to the e.r. & they gave me.steroids & tylenol3. Since then I ve taken them all. I m still in serious had pIn if I try to f7 I don t know what else to do.. I ha e most of my days are I. Pai. To where I can t move & other days I had better not. Also.besides the burning, tingling, numbness & weakness it starts hurting very bad if I have my elbow bent for any length of time.. Please help.