I'd suggest that your
constipation could be cause by something else. Constipation as a side effect for
Ciprofloxacin is rarely or not frequently reported and since you have tried these things to have a normal bowel movement and yet with no success I suspect that something else is causing you the constipation.
Are you on any pain killers or iron supplement, this could be the culprit. There are a wide range of possible causes of constipation. I'd tell some of them so you can check if any applies to you and after that I'd enumerate the things that you could try to relieve the constipation;
Some of the possible causes area;
- Changes in your usual daily diet or activities
- Excessively consuming dairy products
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Overuse of laxatives
- Not sufficient water or fiber in your diet. You might want to check your fluid intake and make sure that your body is well hydrated and make sure to increase fiber containing fruits and vegetables in your diet.
- Hemorrhoids
- Underactive
thyroid - Stress
You can try the following measures which could help alleviate the condition;
1. Drink two to four extra glasses of water a day, unless your doctor has told you to limit fluids for another reason.
2. Try warm water and liquids, especially early in the morning.
3. Add prunes and bran cereal to your diet.
4. Finally you can try some over-the-counter
stool softener such as docusate
If you have tried all these methods and you still being constipated you might need to consult your PCP to have you checked and to determine the exact cause for you constipation and hence the right treatment for it.
Hope this helped explain your concerns.
I hope you fell better very soon.
Dr. R. Hafez