My husband is being treated for mycotoxins with bentonite clay, activated charcoal, colestipol 1 G tab, saccharomyces boullardi 9 billion CFU with meals, and nystatin 500,000 U. We have started very low doses the first week as he has problems with constipation anyway - 1/2 Tablespoon liquid bentoniteclay and half a 280 mg capsule activated charcoal in 8 oz water one time per day , 1 tab colestipol with meal 2x/day. I have been giving him 4-5 oz prune juice with 30 ml MOM after lunch if he hadn t had a BM earlier , which stimulated BM with in 3 hr. Yesterday he had a BM twice within an hour of taking the prune juice cocktail so I decided could try adding a second dose of the bentonite /charcoal ( one about 4:30 p.m. and one about 3:30 a.m.) . His doctor emphasized it is important he have a BM daily with this treatment. He has not had a BM today after taking prune juice with 15 ml MOM at 2:30 p.m. and again with 30ml MOM at 7:00p.m. Still no BM, do I give him the additional 15 ml of MOM? I did not give him the afternoon dose of clay/charcoal today? Thanks, Kathy.