My name is Katherine and I am 28, 175cm tall, about 65kg. And from Australia. I have been suffering from major depression for about 5 years. I have tried a few different anti-depressants and I am currently on Effexor 300mg daily, with Seroquel to augment the AD. However, I only take Seroquel on occasion when I cannot sleep, because if I take it during the day it makes me too drowsy. I see a psychologist once a week, but this has made things both better and worse. There are no psychiatrists in my area that my GP is willing to recommend, she doesn't think any will be any good, but there is one 2 1/2 hrs away I can go to. Both my parents died when I was young - my father when I was 5, my mother when I was 16. I developed complicated grief after my mothers death, which ended in more ongoing depression. I went through a lot of trauma after my mother died, because my step-father remarried right away, and had legal rights to everything and basically kicked us out. I went to live with my older sister and was treated quite badly, who was addicted to amphetamines. I was, and still am, quite badly affected by the experience. My questions are, what would be the next steps in treating my depression? It is quite severe. I keep failing uni year after year because I just don't care anymore, about anything. And I feel like nothing works, and I'm never going to get well again. It's been years, and Effexor is the only medication that has had a good effect, but I feel I need to go up in dosage again. I also have quite bad anxiety. I don't want to do a anything like ECT, what are the most effective non-medical therapies? My GP has already mentioned exercise, importance of close relationships etc