Thanks for your query.
Noted your history of known case of
diverticulitis of colon, got settled with antibiotics, but hen the pain in abdomen started again. Now it was diagnosed as Salpingitis and treated with the similar medicines, started with hectic diarrhea and loss of appetite, stopped bread to make diet
gluten free bit no relief.
The most probable causes of you symptoms now are:
Imbalance of bacterial flora in the large intestine causing the diarrhea and other symptoms.
Other reason may be formation of a
pelvic abscess secondary to either Salpingitis or diverticulitis.
I would advise you the following:
- Get an
ultrasonography of the whole abdomen done to see the primary reasons and get confirmation by CT scan of the abdomen.
- Tests of blood, urine and stool.
Get started on the proper antibiotic,
metronidazole, probiotics and so on.
It is possible that you may need surgery too, be ready if indicated so.