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Telogen hair is one kind of hair out of three stages in hair cycle which has a white end at the root..this is a falling stage of hair cycle...normally also it is lost from scalp(esp when you comb your hair you see certain hair get stuck in the comb & these hair have white ends )....When there is any kind of
stress or any chronic illness ,body tends to loose these telogen hair in greater number...that means that your growing hair shifts to falling hair faster...As in your case you shifted from india to US...which is nothing but a stressful stage....and thats an important reason for loosing telogen hair...It can easily be treated ...in india we get a solution called
MINOXIDIL lotion which can be used twice daily for at least 3 months for good result.In USA you get this by the name of ROGAIN..If this is not an OTC preparation there ,you need to
consult a dermatologist for the prescription.You can also take tab
biotin along with this.Other causes of hair loss in females is
iron deficiency,
hormonal imbalance,
thyroid problem, stress, lack of sleep, familial ,or use of chemical on scalp ,procedures like perming or straightening etc. Other rare causes are zn & copper def. One has to find the exact cause of hair loss and treat.
take care,