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Kanchan there are couple of reasons for excess facial hair which should be ruled out ,even though
laser is the best option for it.If its familial then the results of laser are better .And if it is due to
hormonal imbalance ,then it would require more number of sessions and the result would be slow.Also you would require to take some hormonal tablet to keep your hormones at check. This could be one reason for poor result .
Another reason for poor result would be a wrong selection of the laser machine or probably the person using laser is not experienced & is using laser at a very low energy.I would advice you to take treatment from a
dermatologist .
There are 3 different types machine used for excess hair - 1) DIODE LASER 2) Nd:Yag Laser & 3) IPL(intense pulse light).
Out of this IPL is not a laser ,its just a machine which can reduce hair.IPL is least effective ,but there are lot of clinic where this is used, as its a cheap machine.
DIODE laser is most costly and most effective of the three.Nd:yag comes next.
In any case one requires multiple sessions for good result .It may range from 6 to 8 sessions atleast(if there is no hormonal imbalance).
So,kindly check out which laser you have undergone and even your hormonal status.
If you can tell me where you belong to ,then probably I can help you suggest a good laser clinic.
You can even try a cream available(eflorithin) in the market which helps reduce hair .It has the property to reduce facial hair .It has a slow and temporary effect. And there are no other thing other than waxing and threading to take it off.