Have 3 lesions on the sheath of my brain, heavy headaches, located in three areas in my head, the worst is the one running up my left hand side of my head and sown my neck making it stiff and hard to turn my head right or down. Dizzy, fainting spells, blood pressure runs high at different times of the day my diastolic seems to run high more so. I have weakness in my limbs and numbness and tingling. My eye sight is being effected with blurred vision to blind in my right eye. As of 4 days ago I am having a hard time swallowing I have to make myself swallow, and when I do it hurts all the down my esophagus. I have lost 15 pounds in the last 4 days from being able to eat. I have had a spinal tap done and came back benign for brain cancer, so what else could this be? And even though they are benign can they still be life threating? I am at my wits end here. I can focus I loss my concentration very easily and my mood swings are crazy. I have also been experiencing cold chills that last for 15 to 30 mins at a time. Thank you