I understand your concern and guess it is
erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction can be psychological or organic.
Organic can be ruled out with penile color Doppler.1st thing you have to do is go for penile Doppler to know blood flow and chance of erection with medications etc.
Psychological means modification in following area can help to erect properly.
Psychological soundness is must.
1st is life style
stress and busy life style make u fatigue and secondary to this it makes less desire in sex and erectile problems.
So take healthy food and sleep.
Avoid smoking and alcohol.
Stress free work and activities.
2nd is relationship
Free communicative and mutual understanding will help
Sex is mutual act
So try to do mutually and tell your problem to partner
this will reduce your
anxiety and able to erect easily
So stress free lifestyle and mutual communication will help
Routine check up and fit physical health is necessary.
This condition can be treated with vasodialtor like
sildenafil, tadanafil,
tetrafol plus etc. But it require proper evaluation.
Consult doctor if needed.
I hope I have answered your query.
Still have a query then feel free to ask.
Thank you.