Thanks for the query. I understand your concern.
The meaning of the usg readings are-
1. Fetal movements adequet... it indicates normal fetal movements... the fetus is in good health (no effects of nuchal cords on baby.while usg scan was done
2. Placenta is anterior (It is attached to front wall of
uterus & it is not low lying( It is in safe place- so no risk of placenta previa- causing risk in delivery )
3. Nuchal cord twice- Nuchal cord means cord around neck of fetus...Here baby has 2 rounds of placenta around neck.
Cervix is competent- Cervix is normal length ( shotening of cervix indicates nearing of delivery. ).. so here it sigifies safty of baby , no risk or delivery these days .
* In all it shows cord around babies neck with two rounds ....Bur baby is not affected,nor there is cervical sign of early labor.
Nuchal cords may get automatically relieved , still we keep a watch on fetal wellbeing & possibility of labor( with cord around neck then becomes a sign of concern )
Please show the report to your treating gynecologist for specific advise.