Hi, so my last period was on December 28th and ended on January 1st. My cycle is pretty regular at about 27 days long. I am also not on birth control. I never have been. On January 1st, I had unprotected sex with a guy named Josh, who I have no relations with at all. It was a mistake on my part that I wish I could take back. About 14 hours later after the unprotected sex, I took the morning after pill. A few days later on January 4th, I had unprotected sex with Rich, who I am actually involved with. I did not take plan b again because I was okay with getting pregnant with him if it did happen. Then on the days January 11th, 18th, 24th, and 25th we had unprotected sex again. My period was supposed to be due on January 24th, so I took a pregnancy test on January 25th and it came out negative. So I assumed my period was just late. However, I started experiencing increased appetite, sore breasts, and a lot of fatigue. 10 days later on February 3rd, I took another pregnancy test and it came out positive, however the line was very faint. I took two more tests in the next couple days and they came out positive as well. I guess my concern is, I m worried who the father is. Obviously I would like it to be Rich s, because we are actually involved and I do not know Josh hardly at all. What are the chances it could be Josh s or Rich s? And which one do you think is the father if you had to guess depending on the details I have provided. Thank you so much for your help!