I had a right knee replacement a two and a half years ago and was able to exercise and return to work as a nurse after a few months. Six months again I strained the left hamstring, and the right leg had to pull the left one up and down my spiral staircase and do extra work. Last February, the right medial ligaments cramped up in horrible pain after I did a lift and turn movement, not that heavy an object. It seems to be the right medial collarteral ligament. It was very painful, but no pop. My orthopedic surgeon checked it out and did an xray, and didn t feel there was a tear or a problem with the knee replacement. But every 2 weeks or so it has gone out again, I have horrible pain for 2 to 4 hours, even with hydrocodone and baclofen. I have been doing pool exercises with PT and she was pleased with my progress, but it continues to go out periodically, last time was simply swinging my leg into the car a little fast, I had my knee brace on. After each of these episodes, it is weak for 3-4 days, I use a walker, then it gradually gets stronger again. Is the ligament strain starting over again each time, anything I can do? I need to get back to work and my life!