Hi, I’m 26. Around 10 months back I was having my periods once in like 2-3 months and too with very light and irregular bleeding. Gynae prescribed me deviry for 4 days and then I had a normal 5 days period. After that i have have had very irregular cycles. I would bleed twice in a month for prolonged time periods and also pass clots and bleed in between my cycles. I again went to the gynae, after ultrasounds and all other tests, my prolactin was slightly elevated, nothing alarming. The doctor prescribed me a 5 days medicine to stop bleeding. A hormone pill for prolactin levels to be taken once for 2 weeks. And meprate twice a day for 21 days. I missed to take 1 dose of meprate on the 19th day of the pill anf started spotting on the 20th day of the pill. I started bleeding on the 21st day while still on the pill. Its been 7 days now and I’m still bleeding. What should I do?