Hello, My son has been diagnosed with schizophrenia 3 years ago. He was doing great, taking Invega Sustenna 546 injections monthly. His doctor weaned him off all meds to prove to him that he did, in fact, need the medication for his illness. they have been trying to get his dosage regulated, starting out with 39 mg, and increasing it 78 2x a month. Nothing is helping; he is not doing well at all, is very delusional and is about to lose his job. While on the medication, he is a very organized productive, person. He is highly educated and is a go getter when it comes to sales. From al I have read, it seems that they should have him on the 234 mg the 1st day of treatment, the second week 156 and then 117 each month thereafter. Why are they trying to go up with smaller dosages instead of going with the larger dose form the beginning? Obviously, this mode of deliverance is not working for him. Could you please clarify the correct dosage, and time frame, etc? Thank you so much!