Thanks for contacting with your health concern
1. Major or clinical depression is serious but treatable condition and will either require anti depression medication and/or
psychotherapy to address your emotional state.
2. As
Adverse drug reaction [ADR] of szetaloplus [escitalopram 10 mg + 0.5 mg clonazepam] is insomnia,fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, vertigo, coordination disturbances [reason of not feeling well] thus consult your family doctor or a
Psychiatrist for the best
anti depressant medication with least side effects
3. Eat a healthy diet, stay away from caffeine, alcohol, spices, pickles, drink green tea, take apple, banana, dates, practice
relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation and Pranayam
4. Since drug therapy is generally only a palliative treatment, we have to look at cognitive and behavior strategies and especially nutritional strategies