As you told that your son is hyperactive, not sleeping at night. If this is with him since early childhood then it goes towards an illness called ADHD (Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder). In this illness the child has poor attention, concentration is not sustained, and he fails to complete the task and starts doing another work leaving previous work unfinished. He does not sit still at a place and keeps on running here and there. If this is his behaviour since last many years then he may have ADHD. In children with ADHD there may be associated mental retardation,
seizure or behavioural problem like poor control on sexual urges, self harming behaviour, aggression etc may be there.
If his behaviour has recently changed since last few days or weeks, then apparently he is having increased sexual desire,
insomnia, increased energy etc due to a
mood disorder called Manic Episode/Hypomanic Episode.
In any of the above two condition, it is advisable to
consult a psychiatrist who may assess him in detail for reaching a diagnosis and treatment.
I hope it answers your query. I wish you all the best.