The stones in the tonsils is not a common occurence and usually does not need any treatment.
But in your case there is redness and inflammation. I would advise such a patient to undergo the following tests:
Blood- complete blood picture, kidney functions tests, blood sugar fasting and post-lunch,
Urine- routine,microscopy, culture and sensitivity ( before start of antibiotic)
CT scan of the
sinuses to see that you are not suffering from
sinusitis , which acts as a focus of infection for the tonsils to be inflamed, a Dental check-up and thorough ENT evaluation.
It looks you may need a
Tonsillectomy to have a permanent cure.
The heart
palpitation can be due to many reasons including heart ailment or
thyrotoxicosis. A Cardiologist's opinion is needed to diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
You also need a fitness from Cardiologist if you need to go ahead with surgery.