Hi. Mrs.Kav....
Thanks for choosing HCM.,
VITILLIGO.. It is acquired depigmented autoimmune with autosomal..,
dominant genetic problem...hence there is no cure....
But we can control the white patches by regular, long term treatment...,
So many types are there...Vulgaris, Segmental, Acrofacial, Leucotrichia etc..,
Treatment ..not satisfactory...,
1) Psoralens.....8 MOP,
TMP orally alternatively
morning 9 Am 11 Am exposure to Sun for 5 mts....
2) Topical ....Methoxasalen lotion...
Clobetasol cream 15 mts before exposure...
Steroids......alternatively morning times will give good result..
Betamethasone propionate 1 mg....tappering carefully..
So this treatment will take under care of
ok ...good luck..,