My husband is giving me a heart attack and im only 21!! I have severe anxiety and he will not stop arguing...? I have severe anxiety, migraines,OCD, Bi-polar, ADHD,depression and high cholestrol,High blood pressure, which is around160/105. How do I get him to understand he is going to give me a heart attack? I think he thinks BP means nothing. I am only 21 and I feel like I wanna die. The doctors dont care, and I cant live like this anymore. I cant stop crying, I hurt all the time, especially when we argue. My head and chest hurts... all the way up my arm. My grandfather died at 49 from a heart attack and my mom had her first one in her early 30s. Can I have a heart attack soon? He thinks I am just joking when I say he is killing me, but Im not, between the suicidal and the head and chest pain, I dont know which is worse!!! Whenever I get upset my chest and head hurts the most. I feel as if I almost cant breath both in my chest and like someone is choking me... Please Help! My husband and I were split up for a year and just got back together in december. I had a lot of problems then but now they are getting worse.. I am being seen by doctors, counselors, neurologists, and every other type of doctor and nothing is working... The doctors just dont know. But how do I explain that high blood pressure can lead to a heart attack??? That is my main thing, then how to get him to listen. FIRST OFF TO THE JERK WHO SAYS WHO HE HAS TO LIVE WITH, I AM NOT ASKING FOR ANY ADVICE FROM YOU SO TAKE YOUR ADVICE SOMEWHERE ELSE AND SECONDLY, I JUST WANT TO KNOW HOW YOU TELL HIM THE HEART AND HIGH BLOOD PRESURE ARE RELATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SORRY TO SOUND RUDE TO ALL THE PEOPLE BEING NICE BUT MY BP IS HIGH FOR A REASON AND PEOPLE BEING MEAN ISNT GOING TO LOWER IT!!! OK... I am being seen by SEVERAL doctors, all I want to know is how to get him to know that BP and anxiety and heart attacks, possibly resulting in death are related! I do to all kinds of doctors... so please I am tired of people acting like I am stupid....