I was born with a fairly serious heart condition so I hope I can be of assistance to you. First off, anyone who tells/asks you about a symptom of
angina doesn't know anything about it because angina is a symptom, it doesn't have symptoms. It is very important that you figure out if you're having
heartburn or angina as angina can be a symptom of serious diseases or conditions. One way to tell is to take a pill or whatever you like for heartburn when you're having the problem and that will give you your answer. Also, if you are experiencing light handedness,
dizziness, confusion, swelling in your legs/ankles/abdomen,
numbness in your arms/legs, if you're constantly tired or weak, if your appetite has decreased, if you notice a blue/purple/gray tint in your skin around your nose or mouth or in your hands or feet, if your nail beds (right close to your cuticles) look darker and more purple than normal, if you feel like your heart is skipping a beat, fluttering or feel any other kind of irregular heart beat, if you're putting on weight rapidly (by rapidly I mean a pound or two every few days at Least), or if you just feel down then you should DEFINITELY go see a doctor. these are all signs of heart trouble. even if it's only one symptom alongside angina you should go see a cardiologist. If you suddenly feel a combination of these symptoms (especially numbness on one side of your body or in your
limbs (one side or all limbs),
dizzyness, weakness, confusion, irregular heart beat) then you should get yourself to the emergency room ASAP. If it turns out to be angina it could be a warning of an impending major/
minor heart attack..and that wouldn't be that much fun. Go see a doctor!