I have been to the hospital 3 or 4 times over an umbilical abcess. Each visit, I habe recieved antibiotics and been told they re trying to make it scar up. I know that most abcesses receive incision and drainage but mine is more complicated as it is literally underneath my belly button. The last time I went to the hospital, I was told that there was no infection present around the sac at the time as I had drainage through my belly button days before. The problem is, though, it reoccurs. It will swell up every few days, drain for a day or so, then become smaller until it repeats the process. I am uninsured so I have racked up a bill that is pretty high but I was told during last visit that I may need to see a general surgeon to have it removed. My questions are, is this dangerous to have without immediate care? What should my next step be, as in how do I set up seeing a surgeon? Can I see one without insurance? Thanks for your time