I am concerned about a young man at my church (age 27). I really don t know him personally. I talked to a minister at my church who says he does have some mental disablities and I was also told by a friend who knows his grandmother, that he is autistic. He is extremely unpleasant looking physically. The minister said that he didn t think the man had ever seen a doctor, and also needs dental care. I know a little about Marfans and really wonder if he is really not autistic but had vision and other problems that caused him to be rejected during his childhood by everyone (including his parents who moved away when he turned 18 and left him basically homeless, except for this grandmother. I am putting my nose where it doesn t belong, but I feel sorry for him. I have told the minister at my church about the Marfan Syndrome, and suggested he look it up on the internet, and we did discuss that the man see a doctor and dentist, but I don t know if he will get involved. Do you have any other suggestions? and should I mind my own business? Thanks.