I have been through your question.
Related your concern I think you should know that if you inject drugs, you can get HIV from sharing drug preparation or needles with a person who has HIV and for sure you are at a higher risk for HIV infection and therefore should seek HIV testing .The best way to reduce your risk of HIV is to stop using iv drugs and it is strongly recommended that people who inject drugs or engage in other behaviors that put them at increased risk get tested for HIV at least once every year.The time it takes for a person who has been infected with HIV to show a positive test result ( seroconverting) is called the "window period. There are different types of HIV tests, and each type has a different window period. If you test negative on an HIV RNA test after two weeks of possibly being exposed, you are very likely HIV-negative. If you test negative on a 4th generation rapid test or lab assay (detects HIV antigens in addition to
antibodies after three or four weeks after possibly being infected, you are very likely HIV-negative. Therefore, if you test negative on an antibody test taken 3 months or longer after your last possible risk of possible exposure to HIV, you are likely HIV-negative.
According the symptoms, what you should know is that some people recently infected with HIV will experience some "flu-like" symptoms (
severe fatigue, a non-itchy rash,swollen glands, muscle aches,
sore throat,
night sweats, sores or ulcers in your mouth) and this is called "
acute retroviral syndrome, (or primary HIV infection) and can last from a few days to a few weeks. After the acute phase, the virus becomes less active in the body for as long as 10 years, during which you might have no symptoms at all. The signs of HIV infection are easy to miss or misinterpret. So, based on this, have no symptoms doesn't mean for sure been HIV negative. What I suggest is that you should do HIV test ( rapid test or
ELISA test) to finally exclude being HIV infected and of course you could ask your doctor if he have done you these tests before.
I hope my answer help you.