I am a long distance and racer cyclist and I have been suffering from a rectal bleeding and burning since June 5th and used Prep-H with no help. Finally I saw a Proctologist/Surgeon on August 24th and he suggested Colonoscopy and also said that I have a posterior midline fissure and prescribed Nifedipine 0.3% & Lidocaine compounded cream.
October 7th procedure was done, colonoscopy showed no polyps, sigmoid spasm ( Dr. was not worried about the spasm ), 3 large internal hemorrhoid banding and a Botox for the fissure.
I had a follow up 11 days after the procedure, and the Dr. said that most likely the hemorrhoids already fallen off and the fissure is healing ok, but I am still in pain and blood on tissue and some on the stool ( bright blood ) after 2 weeks post procedure, my bowel movement is very painful and after about 2 hours from BM severe burning starts for about 2 to 3 hours. I am eating fruits, veggies and drink a lot of water, and off the saddle for 3 months per doctor.
My question would be, is this normal? how long does it take for the fissure to heal? How do you increase the blood flow in the anal area? I am reading online that Nitroglycerin ointment helps a lot.