Im quin, 26 yrs.old. I g0t an acident last march 2009, i broke my arm both ulna ang radius. Just last week, may 17,2011 i underg0ne operati0n to rem0ve d metal plates. But ac0rdng to d d0ct0r, my ulna did n0t heal very wel dat is y they make b0ne graft nd put a new metal plate nd much m0re l0nger dan d old plate i hav, but my radius is t0taly heald dats y d plates was taken. My questi0n is, f0r h0w many m0nth can i get my b0ne heald (d one wd metal plates 0n, nd d 0ne wd holes fr0m screws) is it posible to make operati0n again f0r rem0ving d metal in my ulna as s0on as posible? Thanks 4 ur tym.