As per your question it seems that you are suffering from neurotic pain like
Trigeminal Neuralgia or Tic Doloreux..
Trigeminal neuralgia can occur due to disturbances associated with the fifth
cranial nerve that is the
Trigeminal nerve..
You need to consult a Neurophysician and get evaluated for the exact cause of the nerve induced pain as there can be some causes like the most common one is a large artery impinging over the nerve causing damage of the Myelin Sheath [ a protective cover over the nerve] leading to severe
electric shock like pain..
Other causes are disorders like Multiple
sclerosis, tumour compressing the nerve, physical trauma etc..
The common drugs given to relieve neurotic pain are Carbamazipine that is the first line drug while others like Gabapantin, baclofen, oxycarbazipine etc but in case if the pain does not subside then a detailed evaluation and tests like MRI SCAN can be done to rule out the underlying cause and treatment of the same can relieve..
It can take a some time for the pain to subside but if there is no relief you need to get re checked..
If there is any artery impinging the nerve Microvascular decompression in which the compression over the artery is surgically removed is done..
Other procedures like Balloon decompression,gama knife
glycerol injection etc can be done to relieve pain..
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Honey Arora, Dentist