I have been diagnosed with a vocal cord ulcer. It has been since December and it is still there. It was diagnosed using a scope...it was small and was told we are seeing it develop from its beginning stages. Got a treatment of corticosteroids and taking Zantac 2 times a day. Went back in 4 weeks to reevaluate...granuloma tissue was starting to develop showing the typical barebell formation on the injured side of the cartilage (it is back beyond the actual vocal cords on the cartilage). Told that it will take months to heal...still concerned about possible cancer as it was not really healing. Told that cancer doesn t typically form there, more on the vocal cords themselves. Told to come back in 8 weeks for reevaluation. 3 more weeks stinging pain got worse and started radiating to my ear, giving me mild headaches. Pain in throat was still more of a nuisance but I couldn t talk for more than say 5 minutes without becoming hoarse. Called and went in again after 3 weeks because of concern. Scoped again...now granuloma had built up a little more forming, kind of, a volcano type thing, with ulcer in the middle. It was wide at the base. Still small as these things go, as I was told. Wanted to see me on that 8 week appointment...which would be in 5 more weeks. Still taking Zantac. 3 weeks more go by...no better...BUT on the 4th week things started to improve, by the 5th week I forgot all about it and didn t really feel it anymore...voice was getting better too. Then, Easter Sunday, family over, lots of talking, and laughing. Felt it come back and it was more painful than before...but still more annoying than really painful. Was bad all the way up until my appointment. Scoped again for a 4th time and the granuloma had, pretty much, been absorbed...but the small ulcer was still there. My doctor said he sees many of these, he is a voice specialist, and has never seen one been cancerous. Not only because of the location but because of how it is acting (granuloma tissue being absorbed). He said these things can take a long time to heal, even small ones like I have. 6 months to a year sometimes. I am to see him in another 6 weeks but am wondering if I should get a second opinion based on this thing just not ever really healing. Thoughts?