Answer :
Nicotine is metabolized into cotinine, which then admixes with blood.
Liver detoxification then takes place, facilitating removal of toxins from the blood. This process is slow in comparison to the removal of waste products by the
kidney in form of urine, which takes place at a faster rate.
In these blood tests, nicotine is visible usually 1 to 3 days after last use of a nicotine-containing product, such as cigarettes, smokeless tobacco (snuff), and nicotine patches or gum. This may also vary in lieu of the amount of nicotine use, and the individual’s health and age.
Tips to reduce nicotine levels!
1.Plenty of water must be consumed. The more water consumed, the more nicotine released from the body thru the urine.
2.Eat fruits and vegetables. They are
antioxidants, with high fiber and water content. They can help metabolize the nicotine out of the system.