I was paralyzed chest down 2 1/2 years ago. My doctor walked away saying I d never walk again. There has been no books or hints of what to expect along the way of recovery because I guess, no one thought I would but my nephew. My Faith is strong and with God I now walk with a walker however, any time I am in extra pain, I have an urgency to pee. If I didn t wear pads, I be in trouble. There are some other times I just have to hurry and that urgency occurs. I have another problem after we solve this one. thank you I didn t realize it would be an email answer, therefore I will continue. I stopped taking my statins almost 2 weeks ago. About 1 1/2 weeks ago my legs and feet began swelling horribly. I am on Eliquis and didn t think another clot could form. After I read that stopping the statins could be deadly, I started them back up, I plan on calling my doctor today to tell him what I did. My legs and feet are so swollen my PT said to stay doing something to keep my mind off the pain but, to elevate my legs all weekend. Elevating my legs has helped but, I would like to know about how long it will take to get the swelling to go down all the way. Thank you so much, Kay Decker YYYYY YYYY@YYYY