hi, i have understood your concerns...
u have been diagnosed as a patient of
bipolar disorder..i dont know this is the first episode or second or third..
actually there are no clear criteria for how long one shud take drugs after diagnosed as a case of bipolar disorder..
if u are doing well on these medication for more than 6 months after complete resolution of symptoms [remission of the episode] then u can reduce the meds.. like u can take depakote 750 mg at night only and stop
quetiapine, i feel now there is no need for that..
actually in clinical practice what we have been doing is as under:
if a person has a first episode of bipolar disorder then he shud take medications for at least 6 mnths to 1 year after complete resolution of the symptoms..
if there is second episode then he shud take meds for longer duration like 1 year t 2 years after complete resolution of the symptoms.
if there is third episode then he shud continue treatment for at least 3 to 5 years after complete resolution of the symptoms.
and if there are further episodes then he shud take prophylactic medications for lifelong..
i hope u ll find this advice helpful.. best luck..